7 Months in Outer-Space (An Epilogue)

When you think of outer-space, images of adventure are usually the first to rush to the forefront of the mind, but, the truth is, a trip to outer-space would probably be more traumatic than invigorating.  At first, this assessment might seem harsh due to the charming space odysseys we've seen depicted on theater screens. When [...]

“B” Is For Bravery

I didn't realize how prominent the letter 'B' would become once Jesher came home.  Our life has become inundated with the second letter of the alphabet.  The "bassinet" has become the central hub of all household activity.  The day's schedule is now controlled by the words "bottles," and "burps." I am constantly reaching for "blankies" [...]

The Waiting Game Pt.2

One of the excruciating aspects of our hospital's NICU waiting room is its positioning right across the hall from the Room-In Family Suites.  These hotel rooms are reserved for families who have reached the end of their NICU stay and are 'rooming-in' to care for their prized child the night before discharge.  Once a baby [...]

Freedom Is A Journey

I saw Jesher on the side of a building, and the image both startled and inspired me.  The mural overlooks the Clarksville Pike and 25th Street intersection.  There, dressed in his mother's favorite shade of green and overlaid with comfortably-baggy blue slacks, Jesher stands over two stories tall.  His resolute posture is fortified by a [...]

Lhorraine’s Prayer Tree Pt.2

Lhorraine's Prayer Tree is growing, and so is her joy.  Now, please don't misunderstand me: She is not 100% yet.  She still cries whenever she thinks about the night her prized pregnancy was ripped away from her.  Looking through pictures of Jesher's early days still triggers negative emotions and heartbreak.  She still whispers the words [...]

The Elevator Challenge

Have you ever noticed how awkward elevator rides can be (especially in hospitals)?  The 7ft x 9ft squared contraption has a way of ushering in an uncomfortable silence.  People will be laughing it up, enjoying the humor of a friend, a video, a song, or a scene, but, as soon as the elevator doors open, [...]

Lhorraine’s Prayer Tree

Our bedroom wall is blanketed with color like a forest canopy in mid-autumn.  But the leaves on this tree are not multi-colored due to a drop in temperature.  Although they do reflect a change in season, these neon pieces of paper reflect an internal--versus external--shift in climate.  The sticky-notes that spatter our walls are symbolic [...]

Celebrating The Negatives

Patiently waiting on test results is a nerve-racking venture.  One, you are attempting to be respectful of the care-providers, trying to remember that overseeing your case is not their only responsibility.  Two, you are fighting against your own inflated imagination, battling the pessimistic voices that only promise doom and gloom.  Three, you are a concerned [...]